Competent People
Homecore Competent people are well versed in the vast amount of paperwork that needs to be filled out every day. Avoid your site being shut down and issued violations due to insufficient paperwork. Best of all, no need to worry that your competent person calls out at the last second, leaving your site vulnerable.
Get In Touch
DOB now requires 62 Hour SST Competent People be on site at all times for all superintendent jobs. Homecore Competent people are trained in compliance as well as willing to pitch in when necessary.
Homecore Competent people are well versed in the vast amount of paperwork that needs to be filled out every day. Avoid your site being shut down and issued violations due to insufficient paperwork. Best of all, no need to worry that your competent person calls out at the last second, this is when your site is most vulnerable. Homecore’s staffing system ensures that a replacement is supplied immediately. Never have to shut your job site or start late again. Avoid costly time overruns by utilizing Homecore competent people. Sleep easy knowing that your site/investment is always in good hands. Never have the DOB shut your site again due to the competent person being out.